I offer one-to-one sessions for anyone who would like support with MSC (either new to MSC or as an MSC graduate) or for those wishing for more general support.

New to MSC

Perhaps you would like an individual session to get a taste of what MSC is all about or you may wish to have some support starting a meditation practice.

€70 for one hour

MSC Graduate

You may wish to further deepen your individual practice or have some support in keeping your practice alive in daily life. Ongoing support can be a very important part of maintaining an MSC practice.

€70 for one hour

General Support

You may wish to have support in a more general context. I have over 12 years of experience of working with clients and I have discovered many tools and techniques that can assist people to take care of themselves.
These include Mindful Self Compassion, nutrition, meditation, lifestyle choices and sleep hygiene. Many of these factors help us to access our own body’s rest and repair mechanism, governed by the parasympathetic nervous system. I work with people on a one-to-one basis to find and create a programme that is both empowering and unique to them.

€110 for first session of 90 minutes

€70 for all follow up sessions of 60 minutes.

Currently all individual support sessions are available on-line via the Zoom platform.

If you would like to organise a session